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Bank transfer in advance or cash on delivery; for the shippings out of Italy, we just accept bank transfer in advance.
If you pay by bank transfer in advance, the order will be send when we will have received your payment. To make faster the shipping, please send us a copy of the payment.
Via Appia Km 136,500 c/o Centro Leonardo | 04024 GAETA – LT
P.IVA 01891820597 – CCIAA Latina n° LT130470
e-mail: info@diciaccio.com | Tel.: 0771 311010 | Fax: 0771 462524
Via Appia Km 136,500 c/o Centro Leonardo
04024 GAETA – LT
P.IVA 01891820597 – CCIAA Latina n° LT130470
e-mail: info@diciaccio.com
Tel: 0771 311010 | Fax: 0771 462524
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